Orcasound -- Listen for Whales

Scott Veirs, Orcasound Hydrophone Network

Hack to Give Thanks, November 17, 2018

Slides at: orcasound.net/data/talks/

Orcasound's network, new nodes and app

15 years of citizen scientists listening for whales in the Salish Sea

Thanks to the 2017 Kickstarter backers, plus our app key developers/designers to date, and the growing team of dedicated hackers: Paul Cretu, Skander Mzali, Steve Hicks, Tyler Crisafulli, Val Veirs, Nóra Mészáros, and Liam Reese
Beta-test at dev.orcasound.net!

Orcasound road map

App launched on Nov. 1, 2018 (above gray dashed line)

Legend: Live or prototyped | In development or beta-testing | Challenges available today!

Orcasound hackathon challenges
