Humans and machines both detected the sounds of Southern Resident killer whales (SRKWs) this evening (Wed 25 Aug 2021). For… Read more Exciting (S10) L pod calls as the sun sets over Orcasound Lab

Humans and machines both detected the sounds of Southern Resident killer whales (SRKWs) this evening (Wed 25 Aug 2021). For… Read more Exciting (S10) L pod calls as the sun sets over Orcasound Lab
After not being present in the Salish Sea throughout August, the Southern Resident Killer Whales have visited Haro Strait this… Read more 911: superpod northbound at Orcasound Lab on a smokey night
The most common call used by L pod was automatically detected and heard by humans today on the Orcasound and… Read more L pod returns calling on hydrophones