Watkin's library: (Watkins library: orca class & other MarMam class)
Librosa: pre-processing and feature selection
Simple random forest model (non-NN, 128-bin vector from MelSpectrgram, 10-fold cross validation)
SciKit learn (precision, recall, F1)
May try PCEN (per channel energy normalization)...
UW ocean acoustic hack days (Nov 2018)
Led by Valentina Staneva and Shima Abadi
Challenge: find SRKW calls in Oregon shelf OOI/RSN hydrophone node (80 m depth) during period when NOAA satellite teg track narrows down when they may have been audible...
Leads to: call source level, lombard effect, & great curiosities about cetacean communication
Orca communication animation
Rare separation of a calf documents call-respons in SRKWs
Red dot is mother/brother location; blue dot is calf. Towed array is in lower right corner.
Orcasound DC (~2002): WhoListener
Admiralty Inlet study (unpublished): of 22 SRKW transits, humans detect 45%, Wholistener 64%, combined 77%. (71/79/93% during local daytime)
During 2009-2012 *many* .jpg spectrograms and .mp3 clips were archived (example raw data directory) & there is a mySQL database with O(1000) expert validations