06 Nov 2018: ASA meeting
A cooperative of education/outreach NGOs, researchers, & citizen scientists
You can join Orcasound, too! |
Admiralty Inlet study (unpublished) -- Of 22 SRKW transits during local daytime,
humans detect 45%, Wholistener 64%, combined 77%.
Thanks to 2017 Kickstarter backers, plus key web app developers/designers to date:
Paul Cretu, Skander Mzali, Steve Hicks, Tyler Crisafulli, Nóra Mészáros, Liam Reese, and participants in the October 2018 Civic Hackathon
60% of cost is hydrophones! (>75% for least expensive research-grade) |
Heroku-hosted web site implemented in Phoenix/Elixir: live.orcasound.net
Failure or frustrated reports down from 32% in beta, to <25% in public live site
Real-time inspiration: ~5 decades of live-stream pioneering by Paul Spong and Helena Symonds.