Listen to the Neah Bay hydrophone

(Click above link to listen to the live Shoutcast stream with iTunes or Winamp.)

Thanks to the support of the Makah Tribe and Jonathan Scordino, Makah Tribal Marine Mammal Biologist, a hydrophone was deployed in Neah Bay during spring, 2008. The hydrophone is located near the end of the Pellet Plant dock just inside of the Bay in about 6 meters of water. From this protected location we hope to be able to hear killer whales and other underwater sound sources without expnbing the equipment to the high-energy wave environment outside the Bay in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

The current dual-hydrophone system began streaming live sound on July 7, 2008. The hydrophones were wired up by Val Veirs and deployed under the dock by Scott Veirs and Val Veirs in May, 2008. The stream is distributed by for a monthly fee and supported with DSL infrastructure installed by the Makah Tribe.

Archived sounds from Neah Bay

These sounds are presented using a Flash-based player called Wimpy... You can use the above "playlist" to access all archived files.

Other links:

Makah Cultural and Research Center