SV 20171130 README for ais data collected by NEMES at Orcasound Lab (node = OS) (585 Smuggler's Cove Road) Processed from raw data files at -- /home/scottveirs2/ Resulting files as of 11/30/17 -- -rw-rw-r-- 1 scottveirs2 pg1124512 1989787 Nov 30 11:20 AIS_170807-171106.txt.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 scottveirs2 pg1124512 6387187 Nov 30 13:52 AIS_170807-171106_cleaned.csv -rw-rw-r-- 1 scottveirs2 pg1124512 1573900 Nov 30 13:53 AIS_170807-171106_cleaned.csv.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 scottveirs2 pg1124512 14788620 Nov 30 13:37 AIS_170807-171106_cleaned.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 scottveirs2 pg1124512 1887301 Nov 30 13:35 AIS_170807-171106_cleaned.txt.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 scottveirs2 pg1124512 4193 Nov 30 13:41 Readme.txt .csv files may be most generic .txt files may help with import into R Date-time start stop: 170807, 17:03:19 171106, 12:53:27 dt = local? node = location of AIS receiver ship_range = in meters; from OrcaSound hydrophone (OS) location (lat = 48.558950 long = -123.173112) ship_bearing = deg clockwise from true N ship_cog = AIS reported course; degrees true ship_sog = AIS reported speed in knots ship_dbrl = broadband ship_dbsl = What TL, attenuation assumptions? ship_dbback = what time period and method? Brand/model of antenna and reciever? COMAR Systems, AIS-2-USB, Dual Channel Parallel AIS receiver Code and/or methods used to acquire the data? The hydrophone is the ITC6050C (the one with integral preamp) All the db values are 1 second averages at OS at the time of each AIS report (Maybe this should be 100 secs or such but right now I am just grabbing the precomputed 1 sec averages closest to the AIS reported time) SV used VI to hand-edit concatenated data file... 0) The start of the file looks like -- 17%3A03%3A19%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=316001252&ship_range=23222&ship_bearing=313&ship_cog=29.4&ship_sog=12.6&ship_dbrl=106.66&ship_dbsl=167.89&ship_dbback=109.09 17%3A04%3A20%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=316001235&ship_range=24562&ship_bearing=280&ship_cog=143&ship_sog=8.5&ship_dbrl=109.90&ship_dbsl=188.09&ship_dbback=106.90 17%3A04%3A55%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=316001267&ship_range=22992&ship_bearing=311&ship_cog=354.8&ship_sog=11.8&ship_dbrl=106.07&ship_dbsl=165.62&ship_dbback=106.90 1) There is a ~20 minute gap between the edited concatenated files at this 12:18-12:37 boundary -- 12%3A18%3A36%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=316003871&ship_range=5318&ship_bearing=204&ship_cog=181.8&ship_sog=2.3&ship_dbrl=118.60&ship_dbsl=205.76&ship_dbback=107.80 12%3A18%3A41%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=367328780&ship_range=1974&ship_bearing=239&ship_cog=339.6&ship_sog=9&ship_dbrl=120.27&ship_dbsl=189.32&ship_dbback=107.80 >>> boundary 12%3A37%3A59%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=367328780&ship_range=5494&ship_bearing=323&ship_cog=348.3&ship_sog=10.1&ship_dbrl=0.00&ship_dbsl=0&ship_dbback=0.00 12%3A38%3A20%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=367353110&ship_range=5777&ship_bearing=324&ship_cog=353&ship_sog=10.1&ship_dbrl=124.73&ship_dbsl=204.96&ship_dbback=110.60 2) There was a ~10 day gap from 10/6 at ~noon to 10/17. 3) Removed extra October days so the end of the file looks like -- 12%3A02%3A02%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=357777000&ship_range=8372&ship_bearing=331&ship_cog=341.7&ship_sog=11.8&ship_dbrl=96.84&ship_dbsl=171.05&ship_dbback=95.66 12%3A51%3A32%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=366773060&ship_range=8137&ship_bearing=351&ship_cog=98&ship_sog=15.7&ship_dbrl=95.51&ship_dbsl=170.05&ship_dbback=94.23 12%3A53%3A17%27&node=%27OS%27&ship_mmsi=367517830&ship_range=5842&ship_bearing=169&ship_cog=305&ship_sog=7.6&ship_dbrl=94.59&ship_dbsl=166.38&ship_dbback=93.96 4) Used VI find/replace to remove amazon s3 url and extraneous strings (%27, %3A, etc); also found and deleted a couple "glitches" (a few hundred @signs followed by a data line with all rl/sl vals =0) 5) Created .csv file for efficiency with variable names in header row and all &varname= strings replaced with commas Nov 30 email from Val re metadata (summarized above, though some of these SV thinks is unrelated to the db levels in these data files): OrcaSound hydrophone (OS): lat = 48.558950 long = -123.173112 datetime is date and time in standard format, local time range is meters from OS bearing is deg clockwise from true N sog is AIS reported speed in kts cog is AIS reported course in degrees lat/lon are AIS reported ship position No background subtraction has been done for dB's as these are RL's. the hydrophone is the ITC6050C (the one with integral preamp) All the db values are 1 second averages at OS at the time of each AIS report (Maybe this should be 100 secs or such but right now I am just grabbing the precomputed 1 sec aves closes to the AIS reported time) The averaging time for these dBs is db_BB is broadband db_Orca is audiogram weighted db_Call is the 500 - 15 khz metric db_Click is the 15 khz to 22050 (in this case) click metric db_OrcaCall is the call band audiogram weighted db_OrcaClick is the click band audiogram weighted I have been using the node slot to represent two different boxes, one for the WSF ferry crossing from Speiden Channel: lat lon WSF 48.664880 -123.404179 48.615740 -123.173381 and one box for ships passing in front of Orcasound OS 48.691560 -123.328700 48.406110 -123.103480